> 文章列表 > 还有几天就该春节了英文




The Spring Festival is only two days away in China. If you are abroad, you can simply say New Year.


It\'s just a few more days until Chinese New Year. If I have some free time, I\'ll take some photos and send them to you.


We only have a few days left until our Spring Festival. In such a joyous occasion, let\'s take advantage of the festive atmosphere and wish for a promotion or a salary increase!


It is just a few days left until our new Spring Festival. I sincerely wish everyone a happy new year! However, I do have a minor concern. With the festive season approaching, I\'m worried about all the tempting and delicious food that will be available. I hope I can maintain my fitness resolution and not overindulge in all the festive treats!

再过几天就是春节了 (陈述句)3 距离春节还有几天呢?4 春节...

Answer: Yes, thank you! That\'s great. Several days later it would be the Spring Festival. You can add a comma after \"later\" if you want to. This sentence is a statement, so a comma is not necessary. Thank you again!


New Year\'s Day is approaching. It\'s almost time for Chinese New Year.

英语翻译(还有一个礼拜就是新年了) - 雨露学习互助

It\'s only one week until the new year. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I hope this answer is helpful.

还有7天过年了.英文怎么说help me out pls use appropriate ...

There are only seven days left until Chinese New Year. Time is flying by, and soon we\'ll be celebrating the start of the new year.


1. The Spring Festival is approaching rapidly.2. I\'m really looking forward to the Spring Festival and the Spring Festival Gala.3. The Spring Festival is a time of reunion, joy, and blessings.

还有3天过年 英文翻译 - 雨露学习互助

There are only three days left until the New Year. Time is ticking, so let\'s make the most of these last few days to prepare for the festivities and enjoy the holiday season.