> 文章列表 > 春节来临我们在想什么英文





1. By the Spring Festival - 通过“By the Spring Festival”翻译,我们可以表达出春节来临之际。这种翻译方式简洁明了,符合英语表达习惯。

2. With the Spring Festival coming - 用“With the Spring Festival coming”来翻译,也能够准确地表达出春节即将到来的意思。

综上所述,无论是“By the Spring Festival”还是“With the Spring Festival coming”,都能够恰当地翻译出春节来临之际的含义。

英语作文《Spring Festival》50词加中文翻译(请用初一知识回答)


Spring festival is one of the most traditional festival in China. During this festival, people usually celebrate it by gathering together, having a reunion dinner, and setting off fireworks. They also decorate their houses with couplets and window decorations, and visit their relatives and friends to exchange New Year greetings. It is a joyful holiday full of traditions and family bonds.


春节的英文是“Spring Festival”。例如:Today we are all together for the Spring Festival. 因为春节,今天我们都聚集在一起了。

Spring Festival is the widely accepted translation for 春节。For example: Today we are all together for the Spring Festival. Because of the Spring Festival, we are all gathered here today.


We are looking forward to the arrival of the Spring Festival. - 我们迫不及待地期盼着春节的到来。

We are eagerly awaiting the coming of the Spring Festival. - 我们迫不及待地期待着春节的到来。


The arrival of the New Year fills me with great excitement. My year-long anticipation has finally been realized. - 新春的来临让我兴奋不已。整整一年的盼望终于实现了。

The coming of the New Year brings me immense joy. After a whole year of anticipation, it has finally arrived. - 新年的到来给我带来了巨大的喜悦。在整整一年的期待之后,它终于来了。


Chinese New Year is a time for celebration and traditions. During this festive season, I would love to spend quality time with my family, enjoying delicious traditional food and exchanging New Year greetings. I would also like to experience the vibrant atmosphere by watching the colorful lion and dragon dances, as well as setting off fireworks with my loved ones. Overall, I am excited to immerse myself in the joyful spirit of the Spring Festival and create lasting memories with my family and friends.

英语作文My Spring Festival(春节)50个单词左右_作业帮

My spring festival - This year I had a joyous Spring Festival celebration with my family. On New Year\'s Eve, we gathered together to have a delicious reunion dinner, which is a customary tradition for the Chinese New Year. We exchanged red envelopes with lucky money, symbolizing good wishes and blessings. The festive atmosphere was enhanced by the sound of firecrackers and the bright colors of lanterns. We visited our relatives and friends, sharing happiness and good fortune. The Spring Festival is a special time for family reunion and cultural traditions. It was truly an unforgettable experience.


Spring Festival - 春节

Chinese New Year - 中国年

Lunar New Year - 农历年

These are the proper nouns for the Spring Festival in English. They can also be preceded by \"the\", such as \"the Spring Festival\" or \"the Chinese New Year\".


The children are looking forward to the arrival of Chinese New Year. - 孩子们正期盼着中国年的到来。

I realized that I have been eagerly anticipating it every year. - 我意识到我每年都在热切地期待着它的到来。


The Spring Festival is coming, symbolizing the arrival of new hope. - 春节的来临象征着新希望的到来。

The coming of the Spring Festival signifies the dawn of new aspirations. - 春节的到来意味着新希望的曙光。