> 春节2024 > 过年还能吃什么年货英语




Chinese New Year is coming, and it\'s time for my mother and me to go shopping for some special purchases for the Spring Festival. The mall is always crowded with people during this time. It\'s like a tradition for us to prepare for the festive season by buying various items, and I wonder how to express \"年货\" in English.


When it comes to the English translation of \"年货上的英语\", it can be referred to as the English on necessities for the Spring Festival. It\'s interesting to explore the vocabulary related to traditional Chinese New Year items in English.


Creating a shopping list for the Spring Festival in English can be fun and helpful. Let\'s take a look at the essential items that are commonly included in the annual shopping list:

1. Meat: Meat is a staple in the Spring Festival food culture. Whether it\'s for the reunion dinner on New Year\'s Eve or the meals during the Spring Festival period, various types of meat such as pork, beef, lamb, chicken, duck, fish, shrimp, and crab are indispensable. They symbolize abundance and good luck.

2. Snacks and sweets: Traditional snacks and sweets like rice cakes, candied fruits, and melon seeds are also popular choices during the Spring Festival. These delicacies not only satisfy our taste buds but also represent good wishes and blessings for the upcoming year.

3. Fruits: Fresh fruits, especially auspicious ones like oranges, tangerines, and pomelos, are often included in the shopping list. These fruits symbolize wealth, luck, and prosperity.

4. Drinks: Besides alcoholic beverages such as rice wine and baijiu, soft drinks and hot beverages like tea and coffee are also part of the shopping list. They are essential for entertaining guests and refreshing oneself during the festive season.

5. Decorations: The Spring Festival is not only about food but also about creating a festive atmosphere. Decorations like red lanterns, couplets, and paper-cuttings are must-haves on the shopping list. They add color and joy to the celebration.


With the arrival of the Chinese New Year, my father, my mother, and I embark on the exciting journey of buying special purchases for the Spring Festival. It\'s a time filled with anticipation and joy as we select the items that will bring luck and prosperity to our family in the coming year.


The phrase \"买年货\" can be translated as \"buying the new year\'s goods\" in English. It emphasizes the tradition of purchasing specific items in preparation for the Spring Festival.


The translation is as follows: \"We call the spring festive in the new year in China. Normally, it is in February. We prepare everything, like spring cleaning and writing couplets. We go shopping for new clothes or some fresh groceries for the new year.\"

【英语翻译Spring festival is the most important festival in China】

Translating the sentence \"春节是中国最重要的节日\" into English is quite simple. It can be expressed as \"The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.\" The sentence highlights the significance and popularity of the Spring Festival in Chinese culture.


The English translation for \"WecalltheChineseNewYeartheSpringFestival(春节)Be...\" is \"We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. On the day before the new year, people are busy shopping for groceries and cleaning their houses. On New Year\'s Eve, there is a grand family reunion dinner. After dinner, everyone stays up late to welcome the arrival of the new year. The next day, people visit relatives and friends to give their good wishes for the new year.\"

你好, 集市年货怎么说?_沪江网校知识库

The phrase \"集市年货\" can be translated into English in two ways. The word \"集市\" can be translated as \"market,\" and \"年货\" refers to the special purchases made for the Spring Festival. Therefore, \"集市年货\" can be translated as \"market Spring Festival holiday purchases,\" which refers to shopping specifically for the Spring Festival holiday season.


Here are some English words related to the Spring Festival:

1. 春节: The Spring Festival

2. 农历: Lunar calendar

3. 正月: Lunar January

4. 除夕: New Year\'s Eve

These words represent various aspects and traditions associated with the festive season in China.