> 春节2024 > 什么时候是过年的英文




Spring Festival是什么意思

Spring Festival在英语中是指中国传统节日——春节。它以名词形式出现,需要在前面加上定冠词“the”,而且注意两个单词的首字母必须大写。这个短语代表了中国人最重要的年度盛事。在春节期间,人们通常会进行各种各样的庆祝活动,包括赏花灯、放鞭炮、拜年等等。


When is the Spring Festival?

The Spring Festival usually falls on the first day of the lunar calendar, which can vary each year according to the Gregorian calendar. So the specific date of the Spring Festival changes annually. For example, in 2022, the Spring Festival will be on February 1st. Chinese people pay great attention to this date and it marks the start of a new lunar year.


The Spring Festival is celebrated on the last day of the Chinese calendar.

The last day of the Chinese calendar is always a time of excitement and anticipation. It is the eve of the Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year\'s Eve. On this day, families come together to have a reunion dinner and prepare for the coming festivities. The date of the Chinese New Year\'s Eve varies each year, but it is typically in late January or February.


1、Spring Festival [英[sprɪŋˈfestɪvl] 美[sprɪŋˈfestɪvl]] n.春节

The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional holiday in China. It is a time for family gatherings, feasts, and celebrations. The festivities usually last for 15 days, starting from the Chinese New Year\'s Eve and ending with the Lantern Festival.

介词有哪些 分别怎么用呢


在描述日期和时间的情况下,常用的介词有:on(表示具体的某一天或日期)、at(表示具体的某一时刻或时间)、in(表示月份、季节、年份等范围)。例如,在英语中我们会说,“The Spring Festival is on February 1st.”(春节是在2月1日)、“I usually have dinner with my family at 7 o\'clock.”(我通常在7点钟和我的家人一起吃晚饭)。



1. When is the [节日名称] festival?

2. When [节日名称] is?

可以这样回答: It is on [日期].


- When is the Spring Festival?

- The Spring Festival is on the first day of the lunar calendar.

- When is Christmas?

- Christmas is on December 25th.



The Spring Festival in 2021 is on February 12th. It is important to note that the date of the Chinese New Year changes each year according to the lunar calendar, so it is not fixed to a specific date on the Gregorian calendar.


Before the Spring Festival, people are busy with cleaning their houses, buying New Year goods, and getting new clothes.

As the Spring Festival approaches, people engage in various preparations and traditions to welcome the new year. These preparations include thorough cleaning of homes, symbolizing the removal of bad luck and the coming of good fortune. In addition, people buy traditional New Year goods and new clothes to signify a fresh start and a prosperous year ahead.



- 春节: The Spring Festival

- 农历: lunar calendar

- 过年: celebrate Chinese New Year

- 除夕之夜: Chinese New Year\'s Eve

- 年初一: the first day of the lunar year



The Spring Festival, also commonly known as the \"Chinese New Year,\" is the most important and grand traditional festival of the Chinese people.

The Spring Festival brings people together to celebrate the new year and reflect on the past year\'s achievements and challenges. It is a time of joy, reunion, and blessings. Families gather for special meals, exchange gifts, and participate in various cultural activities such as dragon dances and lantern festivals. The Spring Festival is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and holds significant historical and cultural value.