> 春节2024 > 过年作揖英语作文怎么写





The basic hand gesture of traditional bow is like this: the left palm wraps or covers the right hand. This gesture is a symbol of respect and courtesy in Chinese culture. The act of bowing is often accompanied by a slight inclination of the body, showing humility and acknowledgment towards the person being greeted.

作揖(zuò yī) is an ancient Chinese custom that has been practiced for centuries. It is a way to show respect and politeness when greeting someone, especially those who are older or hold higher social status. The hand gesture is a form of non-verbal communication, conveying one\'s sincerity and deference.

作揖 is not just a random hand gesture, but carries deep cultural meaning. It reflects the values and traditions of Chinese society, emphasizing the importance of showing respect and humility towards others.



The passage mentioned above is a classical text from ancient Chinese literature. It describes the story of 曹丘生 (Cao Qiusheng), a talented debater and strategist, who was known for his cunning and manipulation of power and money. He had close relationships with influential figures like 赵同等 (Zhao Tongdeng) and 窦长君 (Dou Changjun).

However, when 季布 (Jibu), a wise and virtuous advisor, heard about 曹丘生\'s actions, he sent a letter to 窦长君, warning him not to associate with 曹丘生. He believed that 曹丘生\'s character was not trustworthy and that it would be unwise to engage in any dealings with him.

The story illustrates the importance of moral character and integrity in the face of power and wealth. It serves as a reminder that one\'s reputation and trustworthiness are essential qualities to consider in any interpersonal relationships or partnerships.



The sentence above is taken from the classic Chinese text《录桃源画记》(Lù Táoyuán Huàjì), which describes a beautiful scenery with a poetic touch. It portrays a landscape where countless trees line the banks of a river, forming a scene that resembles the gesture of作揖. The vivid imagery further describes the vibrant red color of the trees, resembling the radiant glow of the morning sun.

This passage from《录桃源画记》evokes a sense of harmony and natural beauty. It highlights the aesthetics and appreciation of nature in Chinese culture, where the arrangement of objects and the visual impact of colors are seen as an art form.


Talking about embarrassing moments with the opposite sex, I recall a particular incident from my middle school years. It was during a class trip when we had to share sleeping arrangements, and I found myself sharing a bed with two male classmates. This situation was rather uncomfortable for me at the time, but as we were all young and innocent, it didn\'t lead to any significant issues. Looking back, it\'s just a funny memory now.

Embarrassing situations can happen to anyone, and it\'s essential to handle them with grace and humor. The key is not to dwell on these moments but to learn from them and move forward.



In different regions of China, there are varying customs and traditions when it comes to funerals. The rituals and procedures can differ significantly even within a short distance. As someone from Southwest Shandong Province, I can share the traditional funeral process in our area.

When an elderly person passes away, the family begins by holding a wake, where friends and relatives come to pay their respects and offer condolences. The body is usually placed in a casket and displayed in a specific room or hall, surrounded by flowers and incense.

The funeral ceremony typically takes place on the third day after the person\'s passing. It involves rituals such as burning paper money and offering food and drinks to the deceased as a way to ensure their comfort in the afterlife. Family members wear white clothing as a symbol of mourning.

After the funeral, the body is taken to the burial site, where it is laid to rest. In some cases, the burial may be followed by a commemorative ceremony on the 30th or 100th day after the person\'s passing.

These customs reflect the Chinese belief in honoring and respecting one\'s ancestors and paying tribute to their memory.


一诺千金》原文: 楚人曹丘生,辩士,数招权顾金钱.事贵人赵同等,与窦长君善.季布闻之,寄书谏窦长君曰:“吾闻曹丘生非长者,勿与通.”及曹丘生归,欲得。

The excerpt provided is from the classic Chinese historical text called 《史记》(Shǐjì), specifically the chapter \"季布栾布列传\" (Jì Bù Luán Bù Liè Zhuàn). It recounts the story of 曹丘生 (Cao Qiusheng), a renowned debater and strategist from the state of Chu.

According to the text, 曹丘生 was known for his manipulative tactics and involvement with powerful figures like 赵同等 (Zhao Tongdeng) and 窦长君 (Dou Changjun). When 季布 (Jibu), an advisor known for his integrity, heard of 曹丘生\'s reputation, he sent a letter to 窦长君, advising him to avoid any association with 曹丘生, as he believed him to be untrustworthy.

This passage reflects the political intrigue and power struggles during that era, highlighting the importance of moral character and wisdom in leadership positions.


As someone who has worked in hotels and resorts, I\'ve encountered my fair share of amusing and bizarre incidents. One incident that comes to mind is when a guest requested a room decorated entirely in purple, with purple curtains, bedding, and even purple-themed artwork. It was quite a challenge to find all the purple items, but we managed to accommodate the guest\'s unique request.

Another memorable incident was when a guest accidentally locked themselves out of their room while wearing only a bathrobe. They approached the front desk in a state of panic, and we had to quickly arrange for them to get back into their room discreetly, ensuring their privacy was maintained.

Working in the hospitality industry can be entertaining and unpredictable, but it\'s always important to remain professional and flexible, catering to the diverse needs and requests of guests.


呀, 作揖是古时汉族传统相见礼的一种形式。两手抱掌前推,身子略弯,表示向人敬礼。此种行礼方式与鞠躬还是不一样的,因为作揖只是身子略弯~行礼时,双

作揖 and 鞠躬 are both traditional forms of respectful greetings in ancient China, but they have slight differences in their gestures. 作揖 involves clasping the hands and pushing them forward while slightly bending the body as a sign of respect. On the other hand, 鞠躬 primarily involves bowing the upper body while keeping the hands by the sides or in a prayer-like position.

作揖 can be further divided into different types based on the level of formality and the relationship between the individuals. For instance, 一般作揖 (ordinary bow) is a casual and polite gesture used when greeting acquaintances or friends. 长揖 (long bow) is a more formal and respectful bow, often used to show deference towards superiors or elders.

Regardless of the specific type of bow, the act of作揖 is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and serves as an expression of respect, gratitude, and politeness in various social interactions and formal occasions.





The dialogue provided showcases a conversation where作揖 is seeking advice on behalf of his granddaughter regarding her English language skills. Let\'s add some humor and insights into the conversation:

1. A gesture of seeking help:

作揖: Excuse me, sir! My granddaughter is about to start middle school, and she has never learned English before. I was